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ok so basically i find the funny stuff online and post'em here, nothing creative i know, but it's better to have a page containing funny quotes, jokes, pics etc than having it for jokes only, or videos only, you know what i mean, duh.


Yo mama

Yo mamma's so fat, when she went to the beach, the whales sang "We are family!"
Yo mama is so ugly she walked into a huanted house and came out with an application.

Your mamma is so fat, when God said let there be light, she had to move!

Yo mamma's so fat, when she wears a red dress, the kids in the neighborhood yell, "Hey, Kool-Aid!"

Yo mamma's so fat, even God couldn't lift her spirits!

Yo mamma's so fat, she has her own zip code!

Yo mamma's so fat, it takes a train and two buses to get on her good side.

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