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ok so basically i find the funny stuff online and post'em here, nothing creative i know, but it's better to have a page containing funny quotes, jokes, pics etc than having it for jokes only, or videos only, you know what i mean, duh.


style Formation: Justin Timberlake's Hair!

July 1997: Thirteen years ago, Justin Timberlake looked like this — innocent, brownish-blond, and adorable with curls. We remember Justin just like this, like it was yesterday.

November 1998: Here, you can see Justin Timberlake experimented with bleach. It was a scary time for all of us.

April 1999: A year later, back to his natural hue and natural curls. Woo!

May 2000: Justin Timberlake in cornrows! We will forgive him for this, but we will never forget it.

July 2000: This is Justin's fluffiest style. Look at that volume!

February 2001: AND THEN HE SHAVED IT OFF! He lost his hair, but gained a goatee. This was a hotness upgrade, in our opinion.

February 2002: The curls are back! And you can see this is the moment he decided to start growing a beard.

August 2003: Sexy and refined. You can't say those adjectives too many times when talking about Justin.

June 2004: Scruffffffffffffffffffy! He's probably thinking, "Why shave? I'm Justin Timberlake."

September 2006: And what a different look this is! He went from gorilla scruffy to military cadet in this hair change. This has to be our favorite Justin look, if we had to judge on pure sexiness.

September 2008: The scruff reemerges — he just can't tame it. Although, this time he just kept the fuzz to his beard area.

September 2009: Channeling his earlier years, Justin looks sexy with a clean, groomed face and curls, curls, curls.

October 2010: This is Justin's main look for the year — closely-cut hair and a trimmed, yet still wild, beard. He wore this look a lot when he promoted The Social Network.

October 2010: BACK TO A BUZZ CUT! We love the way he looks with a buzz cut, seen here on the set of I'm.Mortal. That's why we're calling this an upgrade from his usual fuzzy look. But what do you think?

... But Who Cares Anyway?!

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